August 3, 2007, Newsletter Issue #48: Updating an HVAC System Offers Future Savings

Tip of the Week

Replacing an old, inefficient HVAC system doesn't need to be a financial burden. It can be a company's chance to cut energy costs. Engineers have a much better understanding of the heating and cooling demands on commercial buildings. New HVAC designs waste less energy and less money. Here are some strategies to consider when investing in a new HVAC system:
- Invest in the highest-efficiency boiler, furnace, chiller, air handler and rooftop unit that your company can afford. High-efficiency systems use less energy and cost less in utility bills.
- Recalculate the energy load on your building. Chances are the building and its use have changed since the previous system was installed.
- With better building efficiency, you may be able to install a smaller and less costly HVAC system. Simple measures like reducing the lighting level, insulating windows and sealing duct leaks may decrease HVAC demands.
- Appliances and other equipment also can emit heat and strain your HVAC system. Evaluate their use and energy costs.
- Consider automating energy management. Various new computerized systems adjust air flow and temperature based on occupancy, building use and other factors.

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